It has been one very long month since my last blog post charge it to my head and not my heart. I was sitting back thinking of the past four years of my life and how much time and energy I have given to jobs, people, relationships, friendships that were not worth it. What if in 2018 we take the time we would have used on others and pour it into us. How would I fly? Would thrive? Where would I be? I am challenging myself to focus on me and my daughter. Placing so much time and energy into things that are not going to benefit me propel me forward is literally sabotaging my growth & success.
On an unrelated observation, I have been getting in touch with my SOUL ENERGY and attempting to protect it. I have noticed my positive energy can sometimes be sucked away so quickly by being in the wrong place around the wrong people. They don't necessarily have to be "bad" people but if their energy is off you have to protect ya neck! So I was invited over for a dinner and my energy was great and positive. I walked into the house and caught a vibe that was unpleasant and I have never felt something so strong. I did not stay I said I had to leave and at this moment for the first time in my life I was able to pinpoint this feeling and decide not to be drained by it. I am so proud of the growth I have achieved I will continue to strive.