Over the past three years, I have been able to manifest and create the life I want to live. In all areas of my career and education the things I desired God has availed. This week was nothing short of monumental for me and still, I am unfulfilled. Consummating the last two years of my life into one event on Friday should have been one of the happiest moments of my life was short-changed by who wasn’t there to see it. I have worked very hard to get where I am and at the pinnacle, when standing on the stage & looking out into the crowd I couldn’t help but think about the one person who wasn’t there. Support can look and feel like so many things but physically being there to see the win is important to me. Having someone who watched you sacrifice family time, a good night's sleep, and creating more memories has a deeper level of understanding and appreciation for watching you win. I don’t want my desire for support to lead to desperation. Figuring out what I want & who I want to go through this journey of life with is important. My heart & head are in agreement and that doesn’t happen too often alas it takes more than a mere agreement to reach attainment. If I run towards what I want will it run from me- will it be the perpetual chase and when I grow weary of running what will happen? If I run towards who I want will I be met halfway with open arms while that person is running towards me? In order to eliminate the questions, I need to just go. Go for what I want & who I want apprehensions out the window inhibitions out the door. Watch me go

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